Shawano Area Writers minutes – Jan. 20, 2022

The Jan. 20 meeting of the Shawano Area Writers was held in the Elsie Engel Reading Room at the Shawano Public Library. Members attending were John Mutter, Twilla Beyer, Manuel Moraleda, Irma Brunner, Barb King, Lee Pulaski, Trudy Bosman, Wendy Goerl and Lana Allen, along with visitor Marilyn Kroenke. Marilyn has not written anything yet but hopes to start.

Lee Pulaski, vice president, called the meeting to order. Minutes were approved .

John Mutter presented the treasurer’s report, which was approved.

In new business, John Mutter suggested for the writing contest that we raise what the judges are paid. Judges for poetry would receive 50 cents for each poem instead of 40 cents. The judges for fiction and nonfiction would get $1.25 for each story instead of $1. John said that many of the judges would judge for free, but we agreed that even this small amount showed our appreciation for their time and talent. The measure was approved.

John has started contacting schools about the writing contest and has sent 107 emails to the schools. Deadline for all entries is April 1.

Lee Pulaski will mail everyone the information from UntitledTown about giving a presentation. Instead of having all presentations in one weekend, they are going on throughout the year.

Discussion was held about where in town Shawano Area Writers could give reading presentations.

Wendy Goerl announced her letter about masking was published in the Shawano Leader.

Barb King explained about her efforts to have her book, “Tug Lake Tales,” published by a notable publishing company. She was in the process of writing a query letter, outlining the chapters, and preparing the first 20 pages. Although most publishing companies will not accept unsolicited manuscripts, they will accept unsolicited proposals.

Twilla Beyer started the readings by reading two poems, “Big Foot” and “Legend of the Hodag.”

Manny Moraleda read a poem he had written for a co-worker on his 90th birthday entitled “Thanks for the Memories.”

Irma Brunner read a query letter she is writing to Trilogy Company. She would like 10 plays published in one book.

Trudy Boseman took a prompt from Writer’s Digest to write a poem about a game. Trudy read her poem about the “Do You Remember?” game her family played while looking through photo albums.

Barb King read a chapter from her mystery, “The Children in the Garden.” Jillian is pondering how to get rid of the creepy gnome statues in the front yard. Her neighbor suggests that she advertise that the gnomes are free if the person can remove them from the property. Jillian also asks a friend to sell on eBay all the unopened products that are stuffed in every nook and cranny on the property. 

Lee Pulaski read a chapter from his book, “Night of the Hodag.” Trent has been given the witch powers his dead grandma had. He’s following a hodag and is led into a cave where he encounters a gathering of hodags of all colors. Will they be friendly, or will they attack and tear him to pieces?

Wendy Goerl reads another passage from her series introducing a new character. Alex is deer hunting with a bow and arrow and gets his deer but also encounters a bear.

Lana Allen has been reading a book on writing entitled “Writing Down the Bone” by Natalie Goldburg. Lana read an untitled poem she had written.

Shawano Area Writers meets the third Thursday of every month in the Shawano Public Library at 10 a.m. to noon. The next meeting is Feb. 17.

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